What is Telemedicine? Can Telemedicine Replace Traditional Doctor Visits?

The world is transforming and leading toward a comfortable and standard life. The healthcare industry is not behind any more as it has maintained its pace with the transforming world. One such innovative modification in the healthcare industry is telemedicine. Telemedicine is a general term that comprises all the ways a doctor can interact with a patient without being in the same room. It can include:

  • Phone calls or video chats
  • Using Emails
  • Remote monitoring, etc.

Let us understand more about telemedicine and how the healthcare industry has explored its potential to optimally utilise it.

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is a new and innovative way of treatment in the healthcare industry. Telecommunication is a broader concept in the healthcare industry. It comprises all the medical services delivered via electronic communication. This includes live video consultations, remote patient monitoring, health applications on mobile, and electronic medical data. The science of telemedicine, utilizes the internet and telecommunication, to facilitate real-time, live interaction between the healthcare professional, and patients. This method in the healthcare industry helps to overcome all geographical barriers, and time constraints and helps in providing healthcare facilities at ease.

What are the Types of Telemedicine?

Telemedicine has several types:

  1. Real-time video communication
  2. Remote monitoring – This includes recording data, collecting, and evaluating. This health data may include:
  • Blood Pressure
  • Cardiac Stats
  • Oxygen Levels
  • Respiratory Rates

Storing and sharing medical information

    • CAT Scan
    • MRIs
    • X-rays
    • Photos, videos, and other patient data

What are the Benefits of Telemedicine?

Easy Convenience

The primary advantage of telemedicine is that healthcare facilities can be easily availed by everyone living even in remote or underserved areas. The days of traveling long distances to get to a health facility are gone. The convenience of telemedicine reduces the time and redundancy of traveling. Today, everybody can access healthcare from the comfort of their home. As per a study conducted in 2019, it was observed that telemedicine benefits an individual in three ways:

  • a.   Travel time
  • b.   Cost
  • c.   Time away from work

Time Efficiency

The use of telemedicine completely eliminates the need to waste time traveling or spending hours in the waiting room for doctor’s appointments. This provides time efficiency. Telemedicine allows an individual to book appointments at the convenience of their home, even if the consultation is quicker. This benefits the healthcare provider to attend to more patients in a day.

Cost-Effective Healthcare Options

Healthcare consultants booked through telemedicine may be more affordable than through conventional methods. Telemedicine can significantly reduce healthcare costs for both patients and providers. Patients save on travel expenses, and healthcare providers save their operational costs. The healthcare provider does not have to maintain a clinic or a support staff. It’s a win for both.

  • A reduction in cost is observed with the help of telemedicine is used in the following steps:
    • a.   intensive care unit (ICU) rooms
    • b.   pediatrics
    • c.   dermatology
    • d.   Radiology

Enhanced Patient Engagement

Telemedicine encourages individuals to take care of their own health. With various online advisors, direct contact with healthcare providers, and easy access to healthcare information patients diligently follow their healthcare routine and maintain their lifestyle.

Family Access

Telemedicine offers easy access for families and care providers to interact, engage, and ask questions. They get involved in the health and lifestyle of other family members and develop routines to help each other.

What are the Possible Drawbacks of Telemedicine?

There are multiple benefits of Telemedicine, however, it comes with some unavoidable drawbacks such as:

    • 1.   Technological glitches in the devices
    • 2.   Less effective because of the lack of a personal touch
    • 3.   Lack of infrastructure in the remote method like medical equipment, or high-speed internet
    • 4.   Lack of trust and rapport between the patient and the doctor
    • 5.   Fluctuations in the diagnosis due to poor quality cameras, lights, images, etc.
    • 6.   Lack of clarity
    • 7.   Easy to manipulate or wrong use of medical data
    • 8.   Telemedicine doesn’t cover all rural areas
    • 9.   Challenges in ensuring electronic health records

What is the Future of Telemedicine?

  • The future of telemedicine is promising with the advent of technology and increased acceptance among patients and healthcare providers. A few trends that are likely to shape the future of telemedicine are:
    • 1.   Integration of AI will enhance the prospect of telemedicine as it will provide tools to support decision-making.
    • 2.   The world is evolving and the innovation of more sophisticated remote monitoring devices is on the way. This new change will enable continuous tracking of vital signs and health parameters.
    • 3.   Telemedicine has a significant contribution to the field of mental health and will continue to grow. Virtual therapy sessions, counseling, and psychiatric consultations will increase and will benefit all.
    • 4.   As the telemedicine sector grows, the government will offer more easier ways to structure it, and offer security measures for its mass acceptance.


Telemedicine is booming but one thing is for sure it will not entirely replace traditional healthcare methods. Visiting doctors still remains relevant for many chronic health conditions, however, telemedicine has made the process easier and smoother. As the technology is evolving, we can create a better and efficient method to use telemedicine sector and make it profitable and beneficial for all.

Understanding Sleep Paralysis: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Management

Who doesn’t like a healthy good night’s sleep? However, many times we find ourselves stuck in our dreams. A phenomenon in our sleep that feels like it is impossible to move even a limb, a phenomenon where you have to force yourself to wake up because you feel stuck.

While falling asleep or waking up, you might encounter a moment we’re you’re stunningly still, and can’t move your body. This phenomenon is known as sleep paralysis. During your sleep, your brain helps your arms and legs muscles to relax. Sleep paralysis is a medical phenomenon when you are aware in your sleep but cannot move. This paralysis is temporary and is not a major medical issue. Let’s learn more about sleep paralysis.

What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is a temporary medical phenomenon that occurs when a person is asleep or is about to wake up. During such episodes, a person is completely conscious and aware but cannot move their arms or limbs, and is unable to speak.

Sleep paralysis can be easily associated with other sleep states like dreaming or nightmares, but the major difference is that you are awake when you encounter episodes of sleep paralysis.

What are the Types of Sleep Paralysis?

Majorly, there are two types of sleep paralysis:

Isolated Sleep Paralysis

An isolated sleep paralysis is one when it occurs alone and is not accompanied by other sleeping episodes like narcolepsy or sleeping disorders.

Recurrent Sleep Paralysis

As the name suggests, this condition involves multiple sleeping paralysis episodes. This phenomenon can be associated with narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a disorder where a person is expected to fall into deep sleep at any time.

In many situations, both these sleep paralysis can occur together. And in some cases you will experience recurring isolated sleep paralysis (RISP). RISP is a condition of continuous sleep paralysis without narcolepsy.

When Can a Sleep Paralysis Occur?

Sleep paralysis occurs only when:

  • A person is falling asleep
  • Waking up from a deep sleep
  • At both times

Sleep paralysis is considered parasomnia, or an abnormal behavior that occurs during sleep. As sleep paralysis is associated with the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of the sleep cycle, it is classified as REM parasomnia.

At the time of REM, the eyes start moving quickly and vivid dreams occur. At this point, the muscles of the body are relaxed to help reduce movement. The brain controls this muscle relaxation to prevent you from moving in your dreams.

What are the Symptoms of Sleep Paralysis?

The symptoms of sleep paralysis may include:

  • An inability to move arms, legs, and head while falling asleep or waking up
  • A person cannot speak
  • Complete awareness of the surrounding
  • Hallucinations

These episodes may last for a few seconds or a few minutes and can occur once in a lifetime or at regular intervals.

What are the Causes of Sleep Paralysis?

While the exact cause of sleep paralysis is not known, the researcher comes up with certain aspects that can trigger such episodes:

  • Inadequate sleep
  • Irregular sleeping schedule, or often changing sleep schedules.
  • Improper sleeping posture.

Sleep paralysis is also often linked with certain conditions or activities like:

  • Narcolepsy – Sudden episodes of deep sleep
  • Alcohol
  • Substance use
  • Some medical conditions like – bipolar disorders, anxiety, panics, and PTSD
  • Use of certain medications like the one used for ADHD

How Long Does Sleep Paralysis Last?

These episodes of sleep paralysis are small and quick. These episodes can last for a few seconds, or a few minutes. These episodes usually tend to end on their own or when you’re interrupted in your sleep. Sometimes a person’s intense efforts to move in the sleep can also end such episodes.

What Does a Sleep Paralysis Episode Feel Like?

The sleep paralysis experience varies from person to person. For some people, it might just be a normal paralysis when they’re sleeping, while for others it can be a scary sleeping episode that can cause anxiety.

Hallucinations during sleep paralysis are normal and can be of three types:

  1. Intruder Hallucination – This might feel like a paranormal event, such as the presence of another person in the room.
  2. Chest Pressure Hallucination – This episode feels like your chest is pressured or you’re being choked or suffocated.
  3. Vestibular-motor (V-M) hallucinations – Such sensations are levitating, and give a feeling of the light-weigh body, or flying out-of-the-body sensation.

Can You Die In Your Sleep Paralysis?

As phony as this question is, no, you cannot die in your sleep paralysis episode. Sleep paralysis could be scary and cause certain anxiety issues in a person. However, it does not trigger any serious health issues, as it is not a serious medical condition or risk.

People who encounter regular sleep paralysis might develop unhealthy sleeping habits to avoid sleep. This can cause further health issues.


At present there is no treatment for sleep paralysis. However, through meditation, a healthy diet, balanced lifestyle, these recurrent episodes can be controlled. If you’re facing serious and complex sleep paralysis episodes, then consult your doctor immediately.

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