Dr. Kalpesh Chaudhary is a top general physician at Dr. Chaudhary Hospital in Udaipur with the passion to contribute significantly to society and the will to work for the betterment of people. He took up the very noble service of treating people suffering from diseases and ailments and made his way up to be the renowned and reputed doctor he is today. He provides his esteemed services at Dr. Chaudhary Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Udaipur.
Dr. Kalpesh completed his MBBS from RNT Medical College, Udaipur, and post-graduation (MD) in Internal Medicine from the prestigious SMS Medical College, Jaipur.
He is also the Director at Dr. Chaudhary Hospital and works with an aim to set the highest standards of quality care and treatment in the field of healthcare and medical services. He envisions a healthy community where quality treatments are available to everyone at affordable prices. His ideologies are clearly reflected in the functioning of the hospital, where patient care is the topmost priority for all the doctors and the entire staff works diligently to ensure the best for each patient.
Dr. Kalpesh Chaudhary has vast experience in the field of Medicine, especially in the areas of rheumatology, diabetology, cardiology, critical care, and infectious diseases. He strives to serve every patient in the best way with the best possible treatment and works to help them live a healthy and long life.
His unending passion & determination for serving people and his brilliance & experience in the field of General medicine makes him one of the best physician in Udaipur.
Book An Appointment With Dr. Kalpesh Chaudhary at https://www.chaudharyhospital.in/reach-us/
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